News Archive, August 2018

News Archive

August 2018

  • Speeding CERN LHC Research with HPC Systems and ALCF Workflow Optimizations

    The amount of data processed at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will grow significantly when CERN transitions to the High-Luminosity LHC, a facility upgrade being carried out now for operations planned in 2026. To help meet the LHC’s growing computing needs, scientists from the ATLAS experiment are working in conjunction with the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) to optimizing ATLAS simulations on the ALCF’s Intel-Cray supercomputer, Theta, to improve the processing efficiency on supercomputing resources.

  • Argonne Leverages HPC And Machine Learning To Accelerate Science

    In 2021, the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) is planning to deploy Aurora A21, a new Intel-Cray system, slated to be the first exascale supercomputer in the United States. Aurora will be equipped with advanced capabilities for modeling and simulation, data science, and machine learning, which will allow scientists to tackle much larger and more complex problems than are possible today.